- Buildings name don't change when players define their new name. Log out/in is requiered to refresh buildings name. Properties still belong to players even without refreshing the name. Hair of the previewed character may be degrade to low quality. It's a temporary glitch, the code and in game character still correct when you apply modifications.
- If they don't want us to be able to change our race or gender than at least let us change our hair or even the color of an Exo. If they do make an update I believe that it would be a great idea if they added facial hair for the Humans and Awokens too, as well as some new hairstyles and markings.
Jun 10, 2019 To help mitigate the pains of death, we have two big tips. Conan Exiles Tip 2: Check the map. Hit 'M' to open the map. Unlike other games, the map does not change.
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One of the most frequent and important questions asked by new players is; Where are the religion trainers? Religion trainers are some of the most important NPCs in the game due to the power religions have. In this article you’ll find each of their locations.
Religion Trainer Map
Yog – Nunu The Cannibal
The trainer for the Yog religion couldn’t be easier to find. Nunu The Cannibal is located in the starting area at the far west of the River. He is wandering in the area with a Yog Shrine.
Set – Mek Kamoses
Further afield Mek-Kamoses teaches you the Set religion. Mek is at the top of Mek-Kamoses’ Spire (of all places) in the central part of the desert. A word of warning though, his location is swarming with Widow Spiders.
Mitra – Muriela The Artisan
Muriela is found to the south west of the Osasis, north in the desert. She is guarded by archers which are easily dispatched.
Ymir – The Outcast
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Last but not least, and the newest addition to the Conan Exiles universe is The Outcast. Located in the heart of the North the outcast is at a camp at the top of a mountain. He teaches your the Ymir religion.
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Derketo – Yakira
The last and final priest that has been added with the launch today is Yakira who teaches you the Derketo Religion. She can be found in the Far east in the Swamp Biome.