This article is no longer current: Eye-Fi has discontinued support for their cards, and their software does not appear to be available or usable anymore.
Oh my goodness, how often do I need to do this?!
Luckily, only once! If you get your upload key entered into the WiFi Booth app and all is working, then it will continue working until you change your Eye-Fi settings ie. in the official Eye-Fi software. Hint: once it’s working, don’t change your Eye-Fi card’s settings!
What do I need to get my Eye-Fi Upload Key?
To retrieve or generate your Eye-Fi Key, you’ll need a computer with the official Eye-Fi software installed, as well as a camera that works with your Eye-Fi card. To get the official software please visit
Eyefi Mobi works like a regular SDHC card. It works in most cameras and includes built-in WiFi that pairs your camera to your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac so you can take photos and videos and watch them appear instantly on your devices. » eyefi mobi desktop transfer. It was originally introduced to Mac users in Mac OS 9. A Windows version has been available since the introduction of iTunes 7. Eyefi Mobi 記憶卡與 Eyefi Cloud 使用手冊 48 設定適用於 Windows 或 Mac 的 Eyefi Mobi Desktop Transfer 解除安裝舊版 Eyefi 軟體 2. 接著, 下載並安裝適用於 Windows 或 Mac 的 Eyefi Mobi Desktop Transfer 3. 安裝程式結束時,執行 Eyefi Mobi Desktop Transfer 4.
Eyefi Mobi Pro
I just got this Eye-Fi card — I have not used it yet
You need to first get the card transferring photos to your computer. This is necessary because it establishes the relationship between the card & computer, which creates the upload key on the computer.
Eyefi Mobi Desktop Receiver For Mac Os
Remember, you need to take 5+ photos with the card able to reach your selected wifi network before things photos start transferring. Verify that the card has the correct wifi networks set in Eye-Fi software, move it closer to the wifi access point, and make sure you take 5+ photos. If using a Canon/Nikon camera, also check that the Eye-Fi upload functionality is not disabled.
Eye-Fi Mobi Pro: Getting the Upload Key
You must install Eye-Fi Mobi Desktop to get your upload key. This is the software you probably already installed, in order to be able to use your card! To get the official software please visit
Follow these steps:
- Insert the Eye-Fi Mobi Pro card into your computer (using the USB adapter if needed), and open Eye-Fi Mobi desktop. Ensure that the card is configured to connect to all of the wifi networks that you need it to! For example, your iPhone/iPad’s Personal Hotspot
- Ensure that at least once, one photo has successfully copied wirelessly from the card to your computer where the Eye-Fi software is running (this means, at least once ever; it doesn’t have to have been copied today)
- Get your upload key:
If you’re on a Mac, click spotlight search, find the application called “Terminal”, and open it. Then copy/paste the following command into Terminal (credit: TheBrew from ShutterSnitch):
If you have updated to Keenai:dbres=$(sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Keenai/offline.db 'SELECT o_mac_address, o_upload_key FROM o_devices') && keys=(${dbres//$'n'/ }) && for keyandmac in '${keys[@]}'; do mobimac=${keyandmac:0:17}; mobikey=${keyandmac:18}; ssurl='wifibooth://setEyeFiKey/${mobimac}/${mobikey}'; open mailto:?body=$ssurl; done;
If you are still using Eye-Fi Mobi Pro app:dbres=$(sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Eyefi/Eyefi Mobi/offline.db 'SELECT o_mac_address, o_upload_key FROM o_devices') && keys=(${dbres//$'n'/ }) && for keyandmac in '${keys[@]}'; do mobimac=${keyandmac:0:17}; mobikey=${keyandmac:18}; ssurl='wifibooth://setEyeFiKey/${mobimac}/${mobikey}'; open mailto:?body=$ssurl; done;

If you have an Eye-Fi X2 Pro card and you’re using the new X2 Utility:dbres=$(sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Eye-Fi/Eye-Fi X2 Utility/offline.db 'SELECT o_mac_address, o_upload_key FROM o_devices') && keys=(${dbres//$'n'/ }) && for keyandmac in '${keys[@]}'; do mobimac=${keyandmac:0:17}; mobikey=${keyandmac:18}; ssurl='wifibooth://setEyeFiKey/${mobimac}/${mobikey}'; open mailto:?body=$ssurl; done;
Send the email to yourself on your iPad. On your iPad, open the email and touch the wifibooth link — it will open in the app directly and automatically save the key.
If you’re on Windows, follow part C from the Eye-Fi Pro X2 article (link), to manually retrieve your upload key from your Settings.xml file.
Finally, email the key to yourself on your iPad. On your iPad, copy the key and paste it into WiFi Booth.
Are you stuck? Ask questions and get help at the WiFi Booth Community.