Jedi Academy Saber Lock

It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Star Wars Jedi Knight Academy Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Jedi Saber Color Meaning
  2. Yellow Saber Jedi
  3. Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Saber Lock
  4. Jedi Academy Saber Lock
Jedi Academy Saber Lock
  1. How to get double light saber it's confusing me and I have no idea how to do it (can you help), Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Questions and answers, Xbox.
  2. A keybinds pack that lets you do quick basic commands, such as toggling camera settings, changing player team, toggling HUD, and toggling NPC AI. Useful for many things like viewing your player character up close, making fancy scenes and screenshots, or just simple experimenting. It affects only F5, F6, F7, F8, and the entire numberpad keys.

2.1 What is a lightsaber? Lightsaber is a beam of energy, slicing through any substance till it's stopped by another lightsaber. It can also reflect energy based projectiles. It is the classic Jedi -and Sith variable- weapon in Star Wars series. 2.2 Lightsaber in JK Academy Lightsaber is surely a great weapon in all JK series.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'gamedatabaseserver.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

// Server Config

seta sv_hostname PP Test //Server name, exactly as it will be displayed

seta g_motd 'Welcome to another gameserver' //Server message of the day, exactly as it will be displayed

rconpassword 32Z?fectoCJwudwA //RCON password which must be entered by anyone who wants to run commands on the server

seta g_password //Server password, when set, must be entered by anyone who wants to join the server

g_password //Server password, when set, must be entered by anyone who wants to join the server

// gametypes

// 0 = FFA

// 3 = DUEL one on one tournament



// 7 = SIEGE

// 8 = CTF

set g_gametype 3 //Gametypes are listed above, swap the number for the game type you want

seta sv_maxclients 8 //Do not change this from the player slots you have purchased as the Gamepanel will notice and stop your server.

seta g_inactivity 0 //Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000)

sv_maxRate 10000 // this controls how fast maps can be downloaded by clients, 0 = unlimited

sv_pure 0 //if set to 0 then that means anything goes. if set to 1, then it means only player textures, custom weapons and sounds are allowed. if set to 2 then it uses nothing but stock game files. sv_pure 2 is usually set for Vanilla servers, and 1 is the default setting.

set g_allowvote 1 // Allow or disable map Voting // 1 - enabled // 0 - disabled

set timelimit 0 //Sets the time limit of a round

set fraglimit 1 //Sets the frag(kill) limit of a round

set duel_fraglimit 10 //Sets the frag(kill) limit of a duel

set capturelimit 0 //Sets the capture limit for capture based rounds

set g_autoMapCycle 0 //set to '1' to start auto map cycle - leave at '0' to use custom cycle - if you want to set your own map rotation see:

seta g_teamAutoJoin 0 //If 1 then new players auto join team upon connection

seta g_friendlyfire '1' //Turns friendly fire off (0)/ on (1)

seta g_friendlySaber '1' //Turns friendly saber damage off (0)/ on (1)

seta g_maxForceRank 8 //sets the maximum Force rank available to players (1-7). 7 is Jedi Master Force points (100)


seta g_locationBasedDamage 0 //damage depends upon what is hit (JA only)

seta g_saberdamagescale 1 //controls the damage caused by lightsabers

seta g_saberLocking 0 //Turns saver locking on or off (Saber Lock occurs when two players attack at the same time at each other and the sabers hit each other. You can then start pressing the attack button repeatedly, and if you click it very fast the other player will lose the saber lock and you will do a slicing move and the other player takes heavy damage, if not kill them)

seta g_forcepowerdisable 0 //disables Force powers based on a calculated bit-value (list of bit-values at bottom of guide), For Example, for no force pull seta g_forcepowerdisable 16

seta g_weapondisable 0 //disables weapons based on a calculated bit-value (list of bit-values at bottom of guide), For Example, for no ammo spawns seta g_weaponDisable 524279



map mp/duel7 //Set the map your server will run on startup here

Bit Values

Jedi Saber Color Meaning

Force Powers
Heal 1
Jump 2
Speed 4
Push 8
Pull 16
Mind Trick 32
Grip 64
Lightning 128
Dark Rage 256
Protect 512
Absorb 1024
Team Heal 2048
Team Energize 4096
Drain 8192
Seeing 16384
Saber Attack 32768
Saber Defend 65536
Saber Throw 131072
Jedi Outcast Weapons
Stun Baton 2
Lightsaber 4
Bryar Pistol 8
E-11 Blaster Rifle 16
Tenloss Disruptor Rifle 32
Wookiee Bowcaster 64
Imperial Heavy Repeater 128
DEMP 2 256
Golan Arms Flechette 512
Rocket Launcher 1024
Thermal Detonators 2048
Trip Mines 4096
Detonation Packs 8192
Emplaced Sentry Guns 16384
Stationary Sentry Guns 32768

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Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC)

Reviewed by:
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This is a great Star Wars game that puts you into the role of a young Jedi apprentice who is sent on many missions in an effort to become a Jedi Knight.


Welcome to Jedi Training at it's finest. Master Skywalker has set-up a Jedi Academy on the planet of Yavin, and you are part of the newest group of recruits.
After you go through character creation, the game begins. This creation process is very thorough, with many options that will enable you to create a truly unique character. Some of the things you will get to choose yourself include gender, race, and color scheme for your clothes.
The game consists of several challenging missions that help your character become a Jedi Knight, which of course is his/her dream. As the missions progress, you uncover a plot by the Disciples of Ragnos to steal force power and resurrect an evil Sith Lord.
This was a smooth game to operate, and it has many interesting gameplay features. The one that stands out the most for me is the ability to use many different vehicles or creatures that you can ride. Of course all of these were rides seen in Star Wars movies, but still excellent rides. They include hover bikes (much like Endor speeder bikes), AT-AT walkers, and even the ugly Tauntaun creatures from the ice planet Hoth.
The whole game is entertaining, and I found myself eager to follow the story and find out what this Ragnos group was involved in.
One of the outstanding features of this game is the lightsaber feats and acrobatic moves you can perform. You have some great main lightsaber attacks, and there is also an alternate attack in which you can lock your lightsaber, and throw it at your opponent. Your Jedi is extremely nimble, and he or she has the ability to execute some amazing moves, like walking up walls, and performing jumps that defy gravity.
A Star Wars game just would not be complete unless you can make a unique lightsaber that is truly yours, and Jedi Academy does not disappoint in this area. You get to build your own lightsaber twice during the game, once at the beginning, and once later on after you have lost the first one during battle. Some of the characteristics you will get to apply to your lightsaber include the color of the blade, and the style of the hilt.
Another addition to the already powerful arsenal at your disposal, are the Force Powers. These can be upgraded after every mission, and you will be able to choose from light side force powers as well as dark side force powers. Light side includes powers like Heal and Jedi Mind Trick. Dark side includes powers like Choke and Lightning.
The only flaw I noticed with this game, was that some of those jumps and moves that I mentioned earlier are hard to master. I used jump quite often, and found that if I just continued to move, and not stand still, than I had a better chance to survive the battle. But things happened quickly during the fights, and you really don't have time to try to make sure you are executing the right keystrokes.
The graphics are fairly decent in this game. It was nice to visit some familiar Star Wars locations, such as Hoth, Tatooine, and a cloud city (much like Bespin). Besides the aforementioned Luke Skywalker, there will also be a few other familiar Star Wars characters. Some, like Chewbacca, will join you in battle, and others, like Boba Fett, will test your combat skills. The environments are richly detailed, and vary from outdoor battlefields to indoor military complexes.
Learning Curve
The mechanics of this game were not hard to learn. The tutorial was more or less included within the game, and not a separate menu option like you may see in other games. When you first arrive at the Academy, Kyle, the Jedi master that you are assigned too, guides you through an obstacle course. This obstacle course acts as your tutorial section, and covers force powers, lightsaber usage, and other things that you will use during the game.
Replay Value
There is not a strong incentive to play this game again, but I might still be inclined to someday. Two things come to mind that give this game a decent replay value. One being the diversity of characters that can be developed during the game. Between the initial character generation, force power development, and lightsaber creation, you can build a character that is uniquely yours. The second one was not really a big thing, but I still found it appealing. Sometimes you could find secret areas, and often they provided more ammo or medkits. I did not come across these areas very often, but that may have just been due to my lack of seriously exploring a location.
The sound was excellent in this game. As you might guess, it had authentic lightsaber and blaster sound effects. I enjoyed the music more than the sound effects. Of course the background music consists of familiar tunes that you have probably heard before in the Star Wars movies, but those classic pieces never lose their appeal. I did notice sometimes that a unique twist had been recorded onto these tunes, which made them familiar, but yet different as well. The voice talent was decent as well.
Even if you are not a serious Star Wars fan, I think you may still enjoy this game.
It is packed full of action, and has an engrossing story to follow.

Yellow Saber Jedi

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Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Saber Lock

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Jedi Academy Saber Lock