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Software Description:
Micromine is a comprehensive and easy to useexploration and mine design solution, which offers integrated toolsfor modelling, estimation, design, optimisation and scheduling.
Micromine provides users with an in-depth understanding of yourprojects, so prospective regions can be targeted more accurately,increasing the chance of your project’s success. Miners areprovided with interactive and easy-to-use modelling, estimation,and design tools to simplify your day-to-day design and productiontasks.
The latest version of MICROMINE’s exploration and mine designsolution, Micromine, is comprised of 10 modules. As a scalable andflexible solution, Micromine provides you with the flexibility tochoose the functionality you need when you need it. Additionally,the application’s new 64-bit support means that you can work withmore data than ever before. Increase your productivity and costefficiencies with Micromine.
Micromine Modules
A geological map displayed in Micromine, with a legend thatcontains over 800 entries
Core Module
Core is the ‘engine’ of Micromine and is always included in everyinstallation. This powerful module allows you to import, validate,process, display and interpret a wide variety of surface, drillholeand subsurface data.
Core Plotting
Core Plotting has a Vizex-style interface for creating complex plotlayouts in minutes using predefined or customised templates.
The Micromine Exploration module includes the visualisation,drillhole management, analytical and modelling tools, statistical,and geostatistical functionality needed in a more advancedexploration or resource estimation project.
The Mining Module is designed specifically for mining engineers,providing powerful and intuitive tools for planning and designingsurface and underground mines. Micromine Mining can turn raw miningdata into a meaningful 3D designs.
Stratigraphic Modelling
The Micromine Stratigraphic Modelling module is ideal for anystratified deposit such as coal, nickel laterite, tin, phosphate,bauxite, iron ore and platinum. Its unique modelling workflowultimately produces a Seam Block Model (SBM).
Micromine Scheduler overcomes the limitations of Gantt chartfacilities in applications such as Microsoft Project®. It uses thepowerful mine planning and design tools of Micromine Core andWireframing to generate 3D mining blocks.
Resource Estimation
The Resource Estimation module is used for detailed resourceanalysis and reporting. It provides a comprehensive range ofmodelling-related functions; many of its block modelling tools arealso used for mine planning and reserve estimation.
Implicit Modelling
Fast track your understanding of any structural or grade boundarieswith Micromine’s Implicit Modelling module. The Implicit Modellingmodule uses radial basis functions (RBFs) to model grade shells,lithology boundaries, faults or surfaces.
The Micromine Wireframing module provides the tools for building,managing and analysing 3D solids and 3D surfaces for advancedexploration, resource estimation, mining and geologicalmodelling.
The Surveying module is designed specifically to import and processsurvey data, providing calculation facilities for points, strings,surfaces and volumes collected from mine surveys, mining open pitand underground operations.
Pit Optimisation
Pit Optimisation is used to determine the most profitable open pit,given a mineral resource and a set of economic and metallurgicalparameters. It is also used to analyse stockpiles and costs overtime.
Installer Size: 237.38 MB